At the September 28 board meeting MTA board chair Frank Tompkins presented CEO Craig Ross with a plaque in recognition of the accomplishments of MTA under his leadership and his recent appointment to the Georgia Transit Association board.

It was a fitting honor for our leader who has shown remarkable courage and resolve during pandemic with all of the challenges transit faced. MTA is 100% vaccinated as of the end of May and has had a mask mandate since April 20, 2020, 10 months before the federal mask mandate.

Despite the pandemic, MTA welcomed two electric buses (Sparky & Bolt in October 2020), an additional bus (Alfred in June 2021,) and two more electric buses are on the assembly line in California with delivery expected by the end of the year. Congratulations to Craig and kudos the the MTA board for honoring him!

MTA board president, Frank Tompkins, presents MTA CEO Craig Ross with a plaque honoring his service
and recent appointment to the Georgia Transit Planners Association.